Friday, June 11, 2010

Another door knocking session about the Coalition

I've just got home from a door-knocking session in my ward in which we were talking to constituents about the Coalition Government, as well as local issues. 100 survey forms were delivered last night. My ward colleague, Cllr Marilynn Ord, and I called back tonight to collect the replies. We got 25 back. Some more are likely to be posted to me.

We had a similar response on Saturday when we were last out on the doors. Again, the feeling about the Coalition is positive. We had a couple of people today who were opposed to the Coalition but they were Labour supporters anyway (and they hadn't filled in the survey form we had delivered).

From the two days of doing the survey we have 48 replies. When we have 100 replies, I'll produce a running total.
Sent via BlackBerry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lets hope it's positive after the next election, because I've a feeling we will be back out of power looking around to see where the democrats have gone, I know best they leave.