On Monday 17th February 2025 the Gateshead Lib Dem council group meeting was held online to discuss the council budget. We went through Ron Beadle's report on the budget and then each of us said our bit and announced whether we should support, oppose or abstain on the budget. The budget meeting is tomorrow (20th Feb). Our group decision will be announced then.
There was a second item on the agenda. Labour's Robert Waugh, who won the by-election in Bridges ward in September, started his time as a councillor by setting a precedent for his term of office - he didn't turn up for his own count. Since his election, he has not turned up for any meetings. After his non appearance at his count, I did express my concerns in this blog that his absence could be down to his health. I wished him well and hoped to see him attend meetings as soon as possible.
There are of course other issues floating around in the background, not the least of which being "the Charity Commission looking into concerns regarding Labour Councillor Robert Waugh, who recently left his position as CEO of the organisation which now runs Gateshead Leisure Centre." (quoted from The Chronicle, 12 November 2024)
Nevertheless, in a spirit of generosity (to their own) the ruling Labour group are proposing to give Cllr Waugh a dispensation freeing him from having to attend any meetings until May 2026, which just happens to be when the next local elections are held. And that also means Labour won't face a by-election in Bridges ward, a contest they would almost certainly lose to the Lib Dems.
There will be a vote on this generosity at the council meeting tomorrow. I've never known a person to be elected and never attend any meetings during their term of office. So Gateshead could be home to a record breaker! Whether Gateshead wants such a record is another matter.