Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Where are the hordes of Corbynistas?

It is always a challenge to deliver literature. My shoe leather and legs know the cost of so many deliveries. The challenge face all parties. It's hard work and a hard slog to get everything through people's letterboxes.

We are constantly being told by Labour that their ranks have been swollen by youthful Corbynistas. In my ward, I have to ask, where are they? Labour started to deliver an A3 leaflet in the last week of March. Two weeks later the same leaflet was still being delivered. A week ago, Labour started to deliver another A3 leaflet. Last night I discovered that in Fellside Park, both leaflets were still being delivered and they were arriving through letterboxes together.

There is a similar picture in the neighbouring ward of Whickham North which is Lib Dem held. Labour are struggling to get out their literature. As recently as 2014, this ward was Labour's top target in the whole region. Now they have melted away. While I have no reason to doubt Labour's claims of a greatly increased membership, it seems that most of the new members seem content to join, pay the inflated membership fees (easy for most of them as they tend to come from well off backgrounds) and spend their time sniping at Tony Blair on Facebook. Helping in an election campaign is for others to do. And they certainly don't want to dirty their hands with a bit of manual effort to get leaflets through doors.

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