Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Conference photos

 Lib Dem conference ended yesterday and so I headed north to get home. Here are some of the photos I took during my stay in Brighton.

Ed Davey's speech on Tuesday with the MPs seated behind him on the podium. It almost took as long as the speech just to get them all into the allocated places. That's what comes of having 72 MPs!

In the days when we had only 11 MPs, getting a full set of Lib Dem mugs was quite cheap. That's not the case now.
Remember this for next year - get to the National Farmers Union fringe meeting early or otherwise be stuck at the back.
Nothing political about this but the sunset over Brighton on Sunday was quite stunning.
Best fringe was the British Berry Growers. Samples gladly accepted.
I wasn't the only person from Gateshead to attend conference. Jamie Rickelton was there as well, doing the job of a conference steward.
Rising star and deputy leader Daisy Cooper gave a moving speech on Monday.
Me outside the Grand on Sunday evening, having just arrived at conference.

That's it folks!

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