Monday, September 16, 2024

Reviewing the general election

I arrived last night at Brighton just in time for the local government /Ed Davey reception. A bigger room would have been useful as we were packed shoulder to shoulder. Afterwards I headed out for food and then returned to the hotel, feeling rather knackered. After all, 7 weeks solid on the Bridges by-election, running the farm, days of prep for the Bowes Agricultural Show and a journey to Brighton all took their toll.

So, feeling suitably refreshed this morning, I have made my way through the crowds of fleece and sandal wearing Lib Dems to get to the consultation on the general election. This is turning into a useful discussion. While it is recognised by speakers that the targeting strategy worked very well in July, many are saying that we need to look at how we move forward especially in Labour held seats. Music to my ears! 

This debate is just the start of the consultation process. It runs for the next few weeks. I will likely be making my own submission. 

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