Thursday, August 24, 2017

What I'm missing at Conference

Tim Farron Q&A Sept 15 (14)

My conference pass arrived yesterday so it encouraged me to take a look at the agenda. I will be attending conference on Sunday to Tuesday so I will miss the Saturday sessions. Annoyingly, my key interests are debated on that day. There are motions on climate change and the Paris Agreement and on the natural environment. Furthermore, there is a debate on the impact of Brexit on public services.

Alas, on the evening fringe, I will be missing the councillors' awards and the Green Lib Dem meeting. Happily, I won't be around for the members' disco!

Were I to find a park bench on which to sleep on the Friday and Saturday evenings, I would be able to attend. The hotels on those two evening were either full or charging silly prices. 

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