Monday, December 16, 2024

Like a rerun of lockdown


The ghost of the 1960s has come back to haunt Gateshead residents and Gateshead Council. On Friday last week, the Council took the emergency decision to close the A167 flyover in central Gateshead following a structural inspection. Public safety comes first and so, in avoiding crumbling concrete dropping onto people and vehicles, this major arterial road has closed until further notice.

The flyover was built in the 1960s but it was never completed. The aim was for the raised carriageway to continue over the Tyne and join up with the central motorway in Newcastle. Indeed, you can see the sudden end of the flyover in Gateshead and the point in Newcastle where the flyover would have joined it.

The flyover was never finished as the Labour government of Harold Wilson pulled the plug as an austerity measure. That left Gateshead with a rather out-of-place and oddly short raised dual carriageway which literally ends at the end of the road. Meanwhile, as this is a major arterial route, the congestion, bad as it was, is now vastly worse around the flyover but there is no traffic to be seen on it. It reminds me of lockdown when the roads were empty.

Saturday, December 07, 2024

Mopping up in Bridges


On Sunday last weekend I was in Bridges ward in Gateshead for the Lib Dem action day. As I hadn't finished the 3 patches I was given to do, I headed back there yesterday. The job was almost but not quite finished - I was 30 leaflets short!

Friday, December 06, 2024

Mopping up in Birtley


Yesterday I headed back to Birtley. My aim was to deliver the remaining patch of Focus newsletters I had which didn't get delivered in November. Just as I finished, it started to rain. Good timing!

Thursday, December 05, 2024

eFocus on NE16 no. 190

Gateshead Lib Dems recently published edition 190 of eFocus on NE16, covering the Whickham area. Key issues covered include:

  • Dunston Pool under new management;
  • Local Remembrance services and parades;
  • Whickham North and Swalwell by-electon result;
  • Concern over Sunniside woodland;
  • Christmas lights switched on by Peter Pan in Whickham;
  • Whinnies Community Garden Christmas Fayre;
  • Christmas tree lights switch on in Sunniside.

You can read eFocus on this link.

Sunniside lights


Friends of Sunniside Community Hub put on a great event on Saturday evening to light up the Christmas tree outside Sunniside chapel. Unfortunately I was double books as I had a prior engagement in Newcastle. It meant my offer of using some of my goats cunningly disguised as reindeer at the event could not go ahead. I've looked through the photos and video taken by people at the event. It looks as though everyone had a great time.

Bridges action day


We had another action day in Gateshead over the weekend. This time we were in Bridges ward, now one of the most marginal in Gateshead. Following the by-election in the ward in September, Labour have a majority of only 65. Sunday saw us delivering our latest Focus across the ward. I took 3 patches and delivered 2. At some point I will fit in delivering the final patch.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Lights on in Whickham


Christmas tree lights in Whickham were switched on this afternoon. It was quite a fun event with the cast of Peter Pan (Little Theatre in Gateshead) leading the ceremonies. Well done to everyone who took part. I was cornered before I left after the event - I was asked to be on the Light Up Whickham committee. I used to be on it some years ago. So I'm now back.

Delivering in Birtley


It was Birtley's turn to host an action day on Sunday 24th November. So I headed down there in the morning and picked up 2 patches, one with 200 houses, the other with 250. I delivered the smaller patch and will go back soon to deliver the 2nd patch. Fortunately the snow has gone from the ground by the time I arrived in Birtley on Sunday.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Farewell Norman

On Wednesday we said farewell to my friend Professor Norman McCord. He had passed away in October and his funeral was the occasion for some of the lecturers from my day as an undergraduate and postgraduate at Newcastle University to meet up. It was good to see them again. Norman had been one of my lecturers but also my mentor when I was working on my PhD thesis back in the late 80s and early 90s. Much to my surprise, I was given a mention in the eulogy as a former student who kept in touch with Norman.

Norman discovered the Roman fort at Washingwell, Whickham in 1970. All that is left are the crop marks but the site at least could be viewed from my bedroom window of my childhood home. I had been working on a piece of research about the fort which I planned to complete this year. Alas, 4 election campaigns kept me occupied with the result the completion of the work will now be next year, meaning Norman cannot get to see it. At least I was able to meet up with him at his house in Cullercoats in 2022 to discuss the project.

So thank you Norman for all the help and advice over the years. Farewell my friend.

No show at the fair

I was due to take some of our goats to the Whickham Library Christmas fair this morning. They would have been cunningly disguised as reindeer. Sadly, the weather has put an end to that plan. We are under about 10cm of snow that started falling about 6am. Goats and snow don't mix!

This is the 2nd cancellation for the goats at a local fair. The Sunniside Community Hub are switching on their Christmas lights on Saturday 30th November but my diary has been double booked. We've agreed to take the goats to the Easter fair next year instead.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Photos from Whickham Remembrance Parade


After a short delay, here are the photos of the Whickham Remembrance Day parade. Cllr Peter Maughan (to my right in the photo above), myself and Cllr Susan Craig laid the wreaths on behalf of residents across the three Whickham wards. In total, 52 wreaths were laid at the Whickham war memorial. You can view the full set of photos of the parade and service on this link.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Saltwell action day


Gateshead Lib Dems held an action day in Saltwell ward yesterday. It was a "mopping up operation" to deliver the remaining bundles of Focuses. Most of the ward had already been delivered earlier this month but by the end of the action day, I'm pleased to say that no bundles were left. Job done.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

North East Lib Dem regional conference


North East Lib Dem regional conference was held at Spenneymoor Town Hall in Co Durham today. There was a good turnout from Gateshead (see the photos in this post). It was a good conference. The training session on dealing with small parties such as the Greens and Reform was particularly useful. I was able to talk about the Green's campaign in the Bridges ward by-election in Gateshead in which the Greens' vote halved and they fell into 3rd place. It was the Greens' only target in Gateshead. Not any more!

Friday, November 15, 2024

Sunniside switch on

I attended the meeting of the Sunniside Hub Group last night. On the agenda was the Christmas lights switch-on. This will be taking place at 5pm on 30th November. Sadly I will not be able to make it as I have another event in my diary at the same time. It means there will be no goats cunningly disguised as reindeer at the event. The Christmas tree meanwhile will be erected in the garden of Sunniside chapel. Hopefully it will be a successful event.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Whickham lights switch on


Gateshead Food Partnership Meeting


I was pleased to be able to attend the first meeting of the Gateshead Food partnership last Friday. I wasn't sure whether I was there as councillor, farmer, voluntary sector or all 3. I had raised the idea of Gateshead having a conference to bring together food producers, suppliers and voluntary organisations involved with distributing food with the Council Leader Martin Gannon before the pandemic. Better late than never! Speeches in the morning focused mainly on food poverty. In the afternoon it was more about the practicalities. Hopefully, the meeting will bear fruit (sorry about the pun) by leading to action to address food poverty and food waste while boosting health.

Thursday, November 07, 2024

Monumental look at History Society

We had a very interesting meeting of Sunniside History Society last night. We played a video, produced by the North East Remembrance Monuments Project, about their work to record all war memorials in the region. We also had a presentation about the crash in February 1942 of a Canadian military aircraft near Marley Hill.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 4th December. There will be a Christmas buffet and a 1960s quiz (which I am yet to write!)

Tuesday, November 05, 2024

Newcastle Labour meltdown as comrades go independent

Newcastle Labour group have not been having a good time of it recently. Having seen the resignation of their leader a few weeks ago, the authority has now experienced the resignation of 6 Labour councillors who will now sit as independents. To add to the confusion, there is already an independent group on the council called the Newcastle Independents. If you think that is confusing, there are 5 other independents. Whatever the varieties of independent, the bloody nose for Labour comes with the loss of their majority on the council. Labour now have 39 councillors with 39 on the opposition benches (including 22 Lib Dems). While a change in political control is not expected (in the short run), this is all dreadfully embarrassing for Labour in the regional capital. Alas, across the River Tyne here in Gateshead, we have, so far, only experienced one defection from Labour to the independents since the general election. Only 5 more to go for Gateshead to catch up.

Monday, November 04, 2024

RIP Norman McCord


I am saddened to report the death of Professor Norman McCord. Norman was one of the North East's foremost historians and 40 years ago he was one of my lecturers when I studied history at Newcastle University. He was also something of a mentor to me when I was carrying out the research for my PhD. After I graduated, we kept in touch and for many years. Norman, myself and other historians would meet up once a month to have a meal. It was known as eat-the-world as we attempted to eat food from every nationality that had restaurants in Tyneside and in Sunderland. We stopped doing this about 15 years ago as some members of our group were getting more and more infirm, Norman being one of them.

Norman was one of the leading people carrying out ariel photography in the North East. He discovered the Washingwell Roman fort near Whickham in 1970 while flying from Sunderland airport to Corbridge to photograph the area where the A69 was due to be built. Norman spotted the crop marks left behind by the fort at Washingwell and immediately realised they were caused by a Roman fortress which must have predated Hadrian's Wall by decades.

In 2022 I did some filming on the site of the fort to work out lines-of-sight with Gateshead and realised that Washingwell must have been part of a chain of frontier forts. I took my videos to Norman's house in Cullercoats in November 2022 and that was the last time I saw him in person. I spoke to him by phone in June last year to invite him to my wedding but sadly he was too infirm and house bound to be able to attend.

I ultimately have Norman to thank for my choice of subject for my PhD. He told me that the University had all the papers of Walter Runciman, a cabinet minister in 1908-16 and in the 1930s. They were waiting for someone to research them and produce a biography. That task fell to me!

I wish I had been able to see Norman again to talk about some historical theories I have, but it was not to be. 

RIP Professor Norman McCord

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

The dark arts of Green Party propaganda


Bridges ward was the Green Party's only target seat in Gateshead. In the local elections in May they abandoned their previous target (Crawcrook and Greenside) to pour their resources into Bridges. They didn't win (Labour held on in what is normally a stronghold for them) but the Greens narrowed the gap. So when a vacancy occurred in the ward in the summer, the Greens were rubbing their hands in glee at the prospect of a winnable by-election.

To cut a long story short, they turned up at the count looking confident, believing they would emerge from the count as the victors. Instead, the glee turned to glum as the Lib Dem vote soared from 4th to 2nd place. Instead of coming 1st, the Greens dropped to 3rd place and their actual vote and share of the vote slumped (as did Labour's.)

Move on a few weeks and the shell-shocked Greens have managed to get out a leaflet which explained somehow that the by-election was some kind of triumph for them. And they did this by removing all references to the Lib Dems. Note the graph above. The leaflet claimed the Greens "gained" votes (they lost half the votes they got in May). And it implies they are in 2nd place in the by-election (they were 3rd by a slender 2 votes!)

So, just to ensure you have the results for ALL the parties that contested the by-election, here are the FULL results with no parties edited out.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Spiders in Saltwell


The next Focus on Saltwell is currently being delivered in the ward so I volunteered for 2 patches this morning. It didn't take too long as most streets are terraces with small front gardens. I delivered 450 in about an hour and a half.

As Halloween is almost upon us, some households have gone to great lengths to decorate their homes. This house, my favourite, has a spider theme!

Friday, October 25, 2024

Gateshead's worst historian

Our local newspaper, The Chronicle, interviewed Gateshead Council Labour Leader Martin Gannon at the Whickham North by-election count last night. Nothing unusual in that. Perhaps he needed to be distracted from the table where the Labour vote was being counted. Labour weren't doing well. Indeed, their vote was melting away. 

Martin said to the Chronicle:

"It is obviously disappointing not to win. I would make the point that 20 years ago that was a Labour seat and I still think it is a seat Labour should win."

The figure of 20 years however is just plain wrong. The last time Labour won in Whickham North was 1991. That's 33 years ago Martin, not the 20 years you claimed. In 1992, (that's 32 years ago Martin in case you can't find your calculator), the Lib Dems won the ward for the first time when Chris Ord took the seat from Labour.

Perhaps Martin, you should ask yourself why Whickham North has never returned to Labour. An answer to that, sometime in the next 20 years, would be interesting!

The inevitable Lib Dem barchart


Here's the result of the Whickham North by-election as graphs. The more interesting one is below;

I can't finish this post without a reference to the Greens! In the Bridges by-election last month they turned up at the count confident they had won. When they came third (dropping from their previous 2nd position) they left looking like "deflated whoopie cushions" (according to my blog!). Apparently, they aren't happy with my description of them! Last night the Greens turned up at the Whickham North count though I'm not sure whether they brought with them any hope that their sinking vote share could be turned around. In the end they suffered the humiliation of coming behind the Conservatives! Meanwhile, I had greens for breakfast this morning!

The Whickham North and Swalwell result


Winner of the Whickham North and Swalwell by-election, Susan Craig, pictured above with Cllrs Chris Ord, me, Peter Craig and Ron Beadle and Andy Coleman, chair of Gateshead Lib Dems, told the press last night after the count that the result shows that the only was to beat Labour in Gateshead is by voting Lib Dem.

In what was once Labour's top target in the whole of the North East of England, Labour's vote effectively halved in the by-election yesterday. The full result was:

Liberal Democrats            902 (65%)

Labour                              285 (20%)

Conservative                    137  (10%)

Green                                  72  (5%)

I'm pleased to report that the Lib Dem vote not only stood up but the share increased by 8%. Given the Lib Dem share was already well over 50%, an increase in the by-election yesterday was very welcome. The Lib Dems were the only party smiling when the count was over!

Bring together the result of the Bridges by-election last month with the Whickham North result yesterday and the picture is clear - the Lib Dems are mounting a serious challenge to Labour in Gateshead. No other party is a serious contender in this race.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Result in from Whickham North and Swalwell by-election


Declaration of the result of the Whickham North and Swalwell by-election, Gateshead this evening. A comfortable hold for the Lib Dems with about two thirds of the votes cast. It was another bad night for Labour and the Greens.

It's polling day!


Today is polling day (24th October) in the Whickham North and Swalwell by-election. Yesterday I was helping in Whickham to deliver the next leaflet but, alas, I am tied up today until this evening on meetings. The ward has an interesting history. Once a Labour stronghold, it went Lib Dem in 1992. Labour made it their top target in the region in 2011 and were just 21 votes behind. Since then, it has moved more firmly into the Lib Dem camp.

Polls close at 10pm today. We should have a result by midnight.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Stripping the beds


Volunteers from Planting Up Whickham yesterday stripped clear all the flowerbeds on Church Green, despite the weather being against us. My job was to supply lots of empty animal feed sacks and then take away all the sacks, by then filled with garden waste, to my farm. It took two journeys to transport everything. The waste will remain in the sacks to let it rot down and convert into compost. Find out more in the video above.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

4th Whickham North Action Day

The Whickham North by-election will be held on Thursday (24th October 2024). Yesterday we held our 3rd action day in the ward since the vacancy was announced on 13th September. It was embarrassingly successful! All the leaflet bundles were collected before 11am and everything was delivered by 12.30pm. We had to stand down a few people who were planning to do the mop up operation today (Sunday) when any remaining patches are done. Thanks go to Sunderland Lib Dems who sent in a team to shift a pile of leaflets.

In terms of the other parties, Reform aren't standing and the Conservatives and Greens have delivered no literature at all. Labour have had two leaflets but we had no sightings of them in the ward yesterday.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Where's the Labour candidate?

There are just under 2 weeks left before Whickham North and Swalwell ward goes to the polls in a by-election to Gateshead Council. Yesterday, 12 Lib Dems delivered the whole ward with our latest Focus. The ward was once a Labour stronghold but they have lost every local election here since 1992. Nevertheless, Labour made the ward their top target in the North East a decade ago and came within about 20 votes of retaking it from the Lib Dems. Since then the Labour vote has been melting gradually away. So it was interesting to see Labour out in the ward yesterday. It's a rare event so make a note of it in your diary!

We did notice that Labour were canvassing the even-numbered houses on Whaggs Lane. Sadly, for Labour, these houses are actually in Dunston Hill and Whickham East ward, not Whickham North and Swalwell! The other side of the street is where the by-election is being held.

Meanwhile, Chipping Barnet based Labour MP for Gateshead Central and Whickham, Mark Ferguson, took to Twitter (now X) to show the world he is backing the Labour candidate in the by-election. Yet the group shot he included in his post did not include the Labour candidate. You would have thought it was sensible to include him! But the mystery of Labour's campaign doesn't stop there. Take a close look at the leaflets they are holding and none of them include the Labour candidate's name, at least on the visible side. Instead, these are leaflets about Mark Ferguson MP. Perhaps there was a Labour cock-up and they failed to get a by-election leaflet ready to deliver yesterday. Or maybe there is just a dose of incompetence in Labour's ranks. Booze up and breweries spring to mind.

You can read Mark Ferguson's post on this link.

There are two other parties in this contest: Greens and Tories. There has been no literature from the Greens. Perhaps they are still licking their wounds after their disastrous performance in the Bridges by-election last month. They fell from 2nd place to third while the Lib Dems jumped from 4th to 2nd. The ward is the only target the Greens have in Gateshead. And there has been nothing from the Tories either though the last time they delivered a local election leaflet in the ward was way back in the 1980s!

Friday, September 27, 2024

4 candidates in battle for Whickham North

Nominations for the Whickham North and Swalwell by-election closed at 4pm today. There are 4 candidates in the running - Labour, Conservatives, Greens and Lib Dems. Susan Craig is the Lib Dem candidate. Missing from the line up are Reform. Their absence was a bit of a surprise given they fielded a candidate in the Bridges by-election who, ironically, lives in Whickham North!

The absence of Reform has forced me to think again about the possible outcomes. I previously said that Labour dropping to third behind Reform was a possibility. Obviously not any more but the Greens' impact on the Labour vote may be something to keep an eye on. And will there be a Conservative revival? I think this is unlikely at the moment.

So saddle up for yet another electoral contest in Gateshead. By the time the by-election is held (24th October) we will have been in election campaigning mode for nearly 10 full months in 2024.

Sunniside Scarecrows


This is just a bit of fun but scarecrows will be populating Sunniside in late October. People are encouraged to take part by making their own scarecrow and putting it into their front garden or on display in their front window for everyone to see.

It's likely that mine will be modeled on me, given the scruffy clothes I often wear while mucking out my animals!

Sunniside scarecrows was first held last year and was a great success.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Conspiracy theorists at the Civic Centre


Gateshead has had more than its fair share of conspiracy theorists in recent years. The borough is home to the crackpot claim that street lights are fitted with 5G and are part of a "kill grid" designed to kill everyone. It seems not to have worked. We are still here! As are the conspiracy theorists pedaling other wacky claims. Many of them cheated the street light death rays to get to the Civic Centre for a demonstration last week. Anti-vaxers, haters of mainstream media, fluoride conspiracists and so on. I wonder if there were any attendees who believed other conspiracy theorists are actually part of a bigger conspiracy against the people! Now that would be funny!

Conference video diary Monday 16th September 2024


My first full day at the Lib Dem conference in Brighton. Fringe meetings, training events and conference debates attended. The best fringe meeting of the conference was held in the evening - the British Berry Growers Association!

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

No herding of cats needed - Lib Dem MPs take to the stage in Brighton


How long does it take to get 72 Lib Dem MPs onto the platform at Lib Dem conference for Ed Davey's speech? The answer is 2 minutes. No herding of cats needed as all the MPs were disciplined and went where they were told. We have certainly moved on from 2019 when all our MPs could have fitted into a camper van!

"All hope has gone" as Labour councillor goes independent

Yesterday brought news that Jane McCoid, Labour Councillor for Lamesley in Gateshead, has resigned from Labour and gone independent. The change does not alter the balance on the Council (Labour 47, Lib Dem 17, Independent 1 and 1 vacancy in a Lib Dem held seat). What was of more interest is the reasoning for her leaving Labour.

She joined Labour "when there was hope, and in my eyes all hope has gone." Labour's decision to axe the winter fuel allowance for most pensioners came in for heavy criticism. She described it as "an attack on vulnerable people". She was also critical of the decision to keep the 2-child benefit cap, the removal of which "would help to lift children and their families out of poverty." Meanwhile, Starmer's acceptance of freebie clothes did not go down well, at a time when some parents are struggling to cloth their children.

There have not been many resignations and defections during my 37 years on Gateshead Council. Normally, when they do happen, it often becomes apparent that the cause of the resignation boils down to personal rather than political issues. I get the impression this is not the case with Cllr McCoid. It seems this is a case of genuine difficulty with the direction of her own government. In many ways she reflects the discomfort many in the Labour party feel about the Starmer government. Jane McCoid has taken the decision to leave Labour. Is this just a flash in the pan or are others likely to follow?

Monday, September 23, 2024

Whickham North and Swalwell by-election

We have another by-election in Gateshead. On 24th October, Whickham North and Swalwell will go to the polls. This is a seat we are defending. Sonya Hawkins, who has represented the ward for 12 years, was promoted at work in the summer, making it difficult for her to attend meetings and give the role the full attention it deserves. She also has increased family caring responsibilities. She therefore took the decision to step down. Our candidate is Susan Craig. 

The result of the last election (May 2024) was:

  • Lib Dems 1331
  • Labour 614
  • Conservatives 204
    • Greens 149
    Majority 717.

    Historically, this was a Labour seat but they first lost to us in 1992. We then hoovered up the other two seats in the ward and it has remained Lib Dem ever since. Nevertheless, in 2011 Labour made Whickham North and Swalwell their top target in the North East and we held on by just 24 votes. Ever since then, Labour's vote has been a glacier in an age of global warming, melting away gradually.

    The complicating factor in the by-election will be Reform, assuming they stand. At the last local elections, Reform stood in only one ward in Gateshead - Chowdene. If they do stand in the by-election, from whom will they take votes? There are parts of the ward which most people would describe as "traditional Labour". Could Reform grab some of those? This is an interesting question because if Reform are able to reach out to traditional Labour voters, and soak up a few Conservatives, Labour could fall to 3rd place. This would be a disaster for Labour in Gateshead and could put pressure on Labour Councillors to give Labour Leader Martin Gannon the boot.

    This is only one of a number of scenarios and admittedly it is the most extreme. Nevertheless, it is a possibility. The Bridges ward by-election earlier this month may give us clues as to possible outcomes. The Green vote took a tumble though in Whickham North in May, they start from 4th rather than 2nd place. The Conservatives once held a seat in Whickham North. 42 years ago, in an all-out election, they squeezed in by a handful of votes to take one of the 3 seats from Labour. The following year they lost it. There is no sign of any Conservative activity or revival. In Bridges they were crushed, coming 5th. I suspect they will suffer something similar in Whickham North.

    And finally, the first Lib Dem Focus since the announcement of the vacancy was delivered on Saturday 14th September. Sadly, I was unable to help as I was at the Bowes Agricultural Show. However, the whole ward was delivered in my absence in one day.

    Sunday, September 22, 2024

    Conference video 15th September 2024


    My conference video diary from Sunday 15th September - I had missed the first day of conference because I had been at an agricultural show on Saturday 14th. So on Sunday I arrived at Brighton in the evening just in time to get to the rather crowded councillors' reception where Ed Davey was speaking. Sadly I was stuck at the back of the room with lots of taller people in front of me!

    Friday, September 20, 2024

    Conference moves on to Harrogate

    Brighton Lib Dem conference is behind us and so we now look ahead to next year. I haven't heard anything about the venue for Autumn but in Spring, we are heading to Harrogate. I am a bit disappointed that we are not in York, a city that is only an hour away by train for me. I also love the history of York and often use conference in the city as an opportunity to explore it. Nevertheless, Harrogate is a town with which I have some affinity. I worked there for Harrogate MP Phil Willis in 1997 for 6 months. We can also celebrate holding conference in Harrogate because it again has a Lib Dem MP. Tom Gordon picked up the seat from the Conservatives in July with a sturdy majority of over 8,000. Interestingly, Labour came 4th in July.

    We can only dream of conference coming to Gateshead. Though the Glass House (formerly The Sage) hosted spring conference in 2012, the long awaited convention centre, which could host the bigger autumn conference, is still just a cleared site with not even a brick having been laid.

    Final by-election photos

    I didn't have time to sort the following photos taken on polling day last week in the Bridges by-election in Gateshead. So here they are a few days late. They were taken on polling day.

    Cllr Paul Diston near one of the main roads in the ward. The diamond posters were seen by hundreds of people.
    It rained in the afternoon. Fortunately, the shower did not last long though it was long enough to give Cllr Amanda Wintcher a soaking.
    Historic Liberalism: I couldn't resist the opportunity to take a photo of myself in the street named after  William Gladstone, the greatest Victorian Liberal Prime Minister.
    Good to see window posters on display for Lib Dem candidate Jonathan Aibi.

    Delivering the polling day leaflet.

    Wednesday, September 18, 2024

    Conference photos

     Lib Dem conference ended yesterday and so I headed north to get home. Here are some of the photos I took during my stay in Brighton.

    Ed Davey's speech on Tuesday with the MPs seated behind him on the podium. It almost took as long as the speech just to get them all into the allocated places. That's what comes of having 72 MPs!

    In the days when we had only 11 MPs, getting a full set of Lib Dem mugs was quite cheap. That's not the case now.
    Remember this for next year - get to the National Farmers Union fringe meeting early or otherwise be stuck at the back.
    Nothing political about this but the sunset over Brighton on Sunday was quite stunning.
    Best fringe was the British Berry Growers. Samples gladly accepted.
    I wasn't the only person from Gateshead to attend conference. Jamie Rickelton was there as well, doing the job of a conference steward.
    Rising star and deputy leader Daisy Cooper gave a moving speech on Monday.
    Me outside the Grand on Sunday evening, having just arrived at conference.

    That's it folks!

    Tuesday, September 17, 2024

    Definitely a Lib Dem conference!

    It's the last day of conference in Brighton and I am back in the main hall for the debate on rivers, sewage and water companies. Yesterday we had a debate on fair votes. This is very definitely a Lib and Dem conference!

    As I write this, the motion on sewage has been passed and we are now on to reports from the Parliamentary parties, both Commons and Lords. For the first time in a long time, there is much interest in the reports. I guess that's a result of gaining 61 MPs at the general election! 

    Monday, September 16, 2024

    Reviewing the general election

    I arrived last night at Brighton just in time for the local government /Ed Davey reception. A bigger room would have been useful as we were packed shoulder to shoulder. Afterwards I headed out for food and then returned to the hotel, feeling rather knackered. After all, 7 weeks solid on the Bridges by-election, running the farm, days of prep for the Bowes Agricultural Show and a journey to Brighton all took their toll.

    So, feeling suitably refreshed this morning, I have made my way through the crowds of fleece and sandal wearing Lib Dems to get to the consultation on the general election. This is turning into a useful discussion. While it is recognised by speakers that the targeting strategy worked very well in July, many are saying that we need to look at how we move forward especially in Labour held seats. Music to my ears! 

    This debate is just the start of the consultation process. It runs for the next few weeks. I will likely be making my own submission. 

    Sunday, September 15, 2024

    Off to conference

    Lib Dem conference started in Brighton yesterday but I missed it as I was at the Bowes Agricultural Show in Co Durham. So today I am heading south on the train using my Senior Citizen's railcard to make the cost of the tickets that bit more affordable! I have my reading matter for the journey: 2 recent copies of the BBC History Magazine. I should be in Brighton later today.

    Thursday, September 12, 2024

    Greens crushed in Gateshead by-election

     I am now home from the Bridges by-election count in Gateshead. The result was:

    • Labour 320
    • Lib Dem 255
    • Green 253
    • Reform 166
    • Conservative 53
    Turnout was a disappointing 17%.

    The key changes from May are that the Lib Dems jumped from 4th to 2nd place. Labour held on but their majority is now just 65 in a ward they had previously regarded as a stronghold. Though Labour only just made it over the finishing line in first place, the main losers in Bridges were the Greens. They had high hopes of a victory as they had run Labour relatively close in the May local elections in the ward. They were certainly looking excited when they turned up for the count but their fall from 2nd to 3rd place was a crushing blow for them. Bridges was their only target ward in Gateshead. They looked like a deflated whoopy cushion as they limped away after the declaration.

    Reform scored 16%. This is the first time they have contested Bridges. It is not clear from whom they have taken their votes though I suspect quite a few came from both Labour and Conservatives. Note the Conservative total, just 55. The rest of Reform's vote may have come from people who don't normally vote in local elections but this time have come out for Reform.

    The crushing of the Greens means that Gateshead Council continues to be made up of Labour and Lib Dem councillors. No other party is strong enough to get elected in the borough.

    And finally, I do hope that the Labour candidate Robert Waugh is okay. He was not at the count tonight to accept his election as councillor and I hope he has not gone down with any injuries or illness which kept him away from his moment of victory.

    Bridges by-election forecasts

    I'm just home after a day of slogging my way through Bridges ward for the by-election. I will be back to Gateshead Civic Centre later this evening to attend the count. Unlike many elections, I find this one rather difficult to predict as there are a number of knowns. Reform are standing for the first time. The Lib Dems have fought the ward hard for the first time (we usually just have a paperless candidate.) Given the quantity of literature we have produced for this campaign, "paperless" is definitely not the applicable description now. The ward was previously a Labour stronghold and their campaigning (indeed any party's campaigning) was somewhat limited. In the local elections in May, Bridges was the Greens' only target ward in Gateshead. They didn't win but they cut into Labour's majority. So from this mix we have to try to predict the result. 

    Here are the different possible results.

    1)Labour hold. Given the history of the ward, this should be the most likely outcome. However, Labour haven't exactly covered themselves in glory recently. The High Street is a mess, the convention centre planned for the Quays hasn't even got as far as being a building site and large areas of cleared land sit idle. Their choice of candidate hasn't helped. He lost his seat in Saltwell to the Lib Dems in 2023 and was defeated in Low Fell and Whickham South wards by the Liberal Democrats. Bridges is his 4th ward. But Labour are usually entrenched here.

    So a Labour hold is possible but not with the surety of previous contests.

    2)Green gain. Given the result in May, the Greens should be hopeful of a gain. Labour's majority over them is 290 (16%) so it is not marginal but neither is it safe for Labour. If the Greens don't win Bridges, they will have nowhere else to go in Gateshead, having abandoned their only other target of Crawcrook and Greenside. Lib Dem campaigners who have crossed paths with Greens on the campaign trail have told me the Greens are very confident, based almost entirely on the result in May. We shall see.

    3)Lib Dem gain. The Lib Dems have not campaigned hard before in Bridges but an 8 week campaign using literature and campaign techniques usually employed in our top targets may have turned around Lib Dem prospects in the ward. A Lib Dem gain is still an outside chance but not one that can be discounted.

    4)Labour coming 3rd. This would have been regarded as a fantasy story in previous contests but it can no longer be discounted. Labour may lose some of their support to Reform and their government have not made friends by axing the winter fuel payments for pensioners not on pension credit. The 2 child cap has also gone down badly.

    Greens and Lib Dems have been slogging it out in the ward. Has one of them managed to push ahead as the challenger to Labour, or have both Lib Dems and Greens bitten chunks out of Labour,s vote. Labour have not helped themselves by running an uninspiring campaign which was slow to get off the ground.

    So with so many unknowns and new variants, predicting this one is challenging. We will know the actual result by midnight.

    Sunday, September 08, 2024

    Farron photos


    To add to the video from yesterday, here are a few of the photos of those helping in the Bridges byelection with Tim Farron MP.

    Tim Farron MP in Gateshead


    On Saturday 7th September 2024, MP Tim Farron met Lib Dem campaigners battling Labour to win the Bridges by-election in Gateshead. Tim gave an impromptu speech covering how Labour had won the general election by default but there was no great enthusiasm for Starmer. He also wished local campaigners a successful campaign before heading to meet local voters with by-election candidate Jonathan Aibi.

    Reform's by-election leaflet


    We keep a close eye on opposition literature in the Bridges by-election in Gateshead. Today I'm having a close look at the Reform Party's publication. There is frankly not much to write about. The leaflet has very little to say. Let's at least start with the imprint. It fails to show the name of the party and the name of the candidate though presumably the agent and candidate are the same person. Smacked wrists for that. The reference to "The Brexit Party" is a bit confusing as I thought that organisation had stopped functioning and was replaced by "The Reform Party". And then there is the call to "Save Britain" though from whom or what is not explained.

    I was somewhat amused by the call for local issues to be sent to the candidate. One of the ways to make contact is via an email address which includes "blaydonandconsett". Though Blayon is in Gateshead, it is at the other end of the borough to Bridges. And Consett is over the border in Co Durham! So not very local.

    The leaflet was found on the ground, hence the photo rather than a scan. Time to sweep it up along with all the other rubbish!