Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Group budget briefing


Last night Gateshead Lib Dem council group met to discuss, among other issues, the forthcoming council budget. We received a briefing from the head of finance and the chief executive, both useful contributions to the discussion. No decisions have yet been taken on the budget by the group (the budget will be voted on at full council on 20th February.) There will be further discussions by the group over the next week.

Chowdene action day


On Sunday 9th February, Gateshead Lib Dems were in Chowdene ward for an action day. The aim was to deliver our latest Focus across the entire ward. Target achieved. The ward will have new boundaries in the local elections in May next year. A chunk of neighbouring Low Fell will be added to Chowdene, making the ward an interesting battle.

Throughout the day, 22 members helped out. Free lunch included!

Monday, February 10, 2025

Devil's Porridge

On the first Wednesday of each month I chair the meeting of Sunniside History Society at Sunniside Social Club. Last week the speaker was Liz Purcell who spoke about the "Devil's Porridge". This was the name given by workers (mainly women) who were employed in the munitions factories in the First World War to the material that went into making explosives. An interesting meeting and fascinating subject.

Planning ahead


Gateshead Lib Dem executive last week looked at early plans for the local elections next year. We have had a number of new and newish members who are typically half my age but who are taking on much more of a role. This next generation will be taking a key role in the local election campaign. It was a productive meeting and as I head up the social media and literature campaigns, I had plenty to report.

Monday, February 03, 2025

Delivering in Lamesley


Yesterday (Sunday 2nd February) we had an action day in Lamesley ward in Gateshead. The ward is sandwiched between my ward (Whickham South and Sunniside) and Lib Dem held Birtley. the aim of the action day was to deliver our latest Focus newsletter. Most of the ward was done but a mopping up operation over the next few days will deliver what is left.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Full Council


Last week Gateshead full council meeting took place. The Lib Dems had a group meeting before the start of the council proceedings to discuss amendments to motions. The group meeting was a bit crowded as we are beginning to outgrow the opposition office. So in a cramped room, over homemade lunches, we went through the motions and amendments.

The motions debated at full council were:

  • support for social care experienced people - Labour motion, backed by Lib Dems (motion on this link);
  • thanking residents and officers for enduring Gateshead flyover closure - Labour motion, Lib Dems regarded it as unnecessary as the thanks had already been given but questions about the timing of inspections have not been adequately answered (motion on this link);
  • tackling intimidation and harassment of elected councillors and MPs - Labour motion backed by Lib Dems (motion on this link);
  • reducing employers' National Insurance Contributions in the care sector - Lib Dem motion but amended by Labour to remove the focus on shortages of staff in the care sector. Lib Dems opposed the amendment but voted for the substantive motion (motion on this link).

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Meeting the new locality coordinator


We have a new locality coordinator for the wards in the west of Gateshead and Cllr Marilynn Ord and I met up with him at the Whinnies Community Garden in Sunniside last Friday. Sam, the new officer, is new to working for Gateshead Council so comes with new ideas. We are planning to have monthly meetings but we will have lots of issues to raise with him. Welcome onboard Sam.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Only 3 historical inaccuracies


I've spent the last few weeks watching every edition of Downton Abbey (and 2 films) checking for historical inaccuracies. I only found 3. See the video to find out what they were. Last week I put the box set of Downton DVDs into the Sunniside History Society raffle. I'm now trying to watch all 52 editions of Blake's 7. The special effects budget for this was clearly tiny compared to Downton!

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Sunniside Hub Meeting


Whickham South and Sunniside Councillors (me, Jonathan Mohammed and Marilynn Ord) were at the Sunniside Courtyard Cafe tonight for a meeting of the Sunniside Hub group. The group will be looking to raise the funds needed for a Christmas tree in the village later this year.

Meeting in the Tilley Stone


Gateshead Lib Dems (or at least the social media group) decided not to meet on-line last night. Instead, we met in person at the Tilley Stone pub on Jackson Street, Gateshead. I think my role there was to be the old guy who doesn't understand TikTok! But a useful meeting nonetheless! (Picture: Liam Bowering, Amanda Wintcher and me)