Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Interview from the car
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The Wednesday morning blog - all aboard
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Friday, December 19, 2008
Something nice to say about National Express
As I said in the Journal earlier this week, the staff of National Express are reasonable and understanding. And they have just proved to me again that description is quite accurate.
Meanwhile the latest twist in my cat story. This will mean nothing to readers of this blog but Facebook friends may know what I am on about. Our London cat, Jess, went missing on Wednesday. She had never been missing before, ever since we got the flat 9 years ago when she adopted us and moved in to take advantage of our hospitality.
So her disappearance was of some concern to us. Richard decided to produce a leaflet for the neighbourhood and deliver it this morning. It worked. To cut a long story short, she was located trapped in a flat in the neighbouring block to ours where the occupants had gone away for the xmas period. Jess had been heard by the people in the next flag crying and trying to get out. The RSPCA had even been called. Anyway, she was suitably rescued. Jess is back in our flat and we can relax again.
Anyway, I am now finished work for the year though tomorrow I have a photo op with Fiona Hall MEP and I have to finish the email newsletters. So much for trying to get them finished today. A mixture of too much to do and a number of new issues to write up. I hope to finish them this weekend but don't hold your breath.
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Thursday, December 18, 2008
Love food, hate waste
So, it you have any good recipes or tips, send them in.
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Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Working on email newsletters
Meanwhile, if you are a Lib Dem Parliamentary Candidate, check your in box. Parliamentary Campaigner was sent out this evening.
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Facepacks and Father Ted
Rant over, especially since I have just moved seats.
I was amused this morning by one of the performances on GMTV. 3 priests had formed a group. I think they called themselves "The Priests" but can't be sure of that. But the whole thing struck me as being like something from Father Ted and I was reminded of the edition when Ted and Dougal were in the competition be become the Irish entry for the Eurovision Song Contest!
Anyway, good luck to The Priests though I think it unlikely I will be buying their cd.
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Why part privatisation is right for Royal Mail
When I was involved with writing the policy proposals on Royal Mail for the Lib Dems 3 years ago, the problems then were very much the same. Declining business, antiquated equipment, a hiuge pension fund deficit. Royal Mail, by no stretch of the imagination, can be said to have prospered in the state sector
In the good years, the company was milked for cash by its owners, the government, very little of which was ploughed back as capital investment. At the same time, the government as owners were not prepared to put in the capital that was needed to modernise the business. And as a fully state owned business, it simply could not go to the financial markets to raise capital. At the start of 2006, the mail market was fully liberalised. Competitors with access to capital moved in on the contracts to sort mail for big businesses. Royal Mail's manual sorting of mail is finding it difficult to compete with these largely mechanised mail sorting companies.
Putting Royal Mail into the private sector but with the state holding a significant shareholding means the company has access to the private capital currently not available to it. Such a move will create a level playing field, putting all competitors on the same footing.
I watched Labour MPs lining up today to attack the proposal for private sector involvement. Their claim is that events have moved in a different direction recently, with the state stepping in to save the private sector. Yet stop and think for a moment. The structure of most of the bailed out banks (admittedly not the fully nationalised ones) is not going to be that much different to what is likely to emerge for Royal Mail in which the the state has a substantial shareholding in a private sector business. If it's good enough for the banks, it's good enough for Royal Mail.
There is of course one significant difference between what is likely to emerge for RM and what we proposed three years ago. Our model had a significant role for employee shareownership and management. We took as our model the John Lewis Partnership, though we proposed a quarter of the shares be placed into a trust for emplyees, rather than all which is the case for John Lewis. The bailouts of banks and possibly of large businesses should however create the opportunity to introduce employee shareownership, once the financial and economic crisis has passed.
Royal Mail currently has the structure of a monolithic corporation designed to run a state monopoly. The world has moved on however and Royal Mail will die if it doesn't move on as well. Staying where it is will not be a stay of execution. A do nothing approach, advocated by many Labour MPs, will be a disaster.
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Part privatisation of the Royal Mail
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Monday, December 15, 2008
The weekend round up
It is not unusual for people to be given a job to do when they do not turn up for a Lib Dem meeting. Giving me a job to do when I did turn up for a meeting seems to be taking things to an extreme! I went to the Blaydon constituency AGM on Saturday and ended up being elected to the executive.
Also, not happening on Saturday was the Journal article about National Express for which I wrote one of the contributions. Perhaps the vast hours (well about 10 minutes actually) I spent writing down my thoughts on National Express East Coast services will be rewarded with the article appearig shortly and, more spectacularly, fewer cancellations. (BTW my train has still not arrived.)
And so to Sunday, delivering my Focus leaflet on my home patch (literally) only to find I was 6 short (7 if you count my house.) I'll be doing a hunt around for spares.
And last night, I watched the repeat of the Peter Kay spoof on these "reality" tv contests. I had seen clips of it on YouTube after Richard recommended watching it. I'm still laughing!
And finally, I am heading to London armed with a large apple crumble. David made it last night but we decided not to eat it on the grounds the dinner was big enough. So colleagues in Cowley St will have to feast on it instead. There was no room for it in the freezer as we had just put into it 6 pheasants and 2 ducks. In our bid to become self sufficient, we traded jam for game but we overlooked the need for freezer space!
Anyway, it's now 7.30 and stil no sign of the train due 10 minutes ago.
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Sunday, December 14, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Pizza in Cowley St and other interesting incidents of the day
I mentioned last night that I had been asked to write a small bit for the Journal about National Express. I sent it off this afternoon. I hope it will be published but I have this abiding memory of proudly announcing recently that I had been interviewed by BBC Panorama only to find they had cut my bit at the last minute. So here's to hoping. Anyway, what I forgot to mention last night was that the Journal also did an interview with me about plans by National Express to install ticket barriers at Newcastle Central Station. The interview was carried this morning. The result was that there was a phone call to my house early this morning from Radio Newcastle. David took the call and then phoned me at the flat down in London. And this resulted in a four minute slot on the Mike Parr show this morning, right when I was in the middle of a meeting in which I was leading a discussion on how to improve how we do interesting things to political opponents!
Ultimately I can say all this coverage is down to this blog, read not just by Lib Dems, constituents and political opponents, but by journalists as well. My experiences of National Express are certainly getting noticed!
I have now got through 4 clementines. Only 18 more to go. At current rate of progress, I should have finished them by the time I get home. And by then I guess I'll look like that orange creature on the Tango adverts.
Meanwhile, I shall endure the National Express train journey back to Newcastle. The passenger in front of me is singing along to his ipod in a monotone, the couple behind me are talking loudly about the inheritance they are going to get "now that granny has gone" and the man across the aisle hasn't yet learnt to blow his nose but has got making disgusting noises with the contents of his nose and throat down to a fine art. Only two and a half hours more of this and I'll be in Newcastle. If anyone is thinking of a Christmas present for me, ear plugs would be a good idea!
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Thursday, December 11, 2008
Another mad dash and other things
I am pleased to say that the train is now leaving the station, with me on it. Talking of trains, I got a phone call from The Journal today. Would I like to write something as a regular passenger of National Express to mark their 1st anniversary of running trains on the East Coast? How could I refuse!? 150 words will be on their way tomorrow!
Good sign of the day: it is always a good sign when a constituent sends me notification of change of email address. It shows they like getting our email newsletter. Had another this evening and one yesterday. Keep them coming!
Good news on a small project I was working on in Blaydon constituency. It's going national. Can't say any more about it for a while but I'm rather pleased with it!
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Cowley St Xmas Party - exclusive photos!

Monday, December 08, 2008
The Monday morning blog: does this MP live in a parallel universe?
I was particularly intersted to read his claim that once the National Insurance increases are introduced, "no one earning less than £40,000 a year will lose out. To put this into perspective, only 10% of the workforce earns above £40,000 and half earn less than £23,000."
This must come as great news to the entire nation. Even the Chancellor said in his Pre-Budget speech that only those earning less than £20,000 would be worse off.
Mr Anderson also came up with an entirely new set of figures for the new top rate. Instead of applying to incomes over £150,000, he claimed, "Increasing the top rate from 40% to 45% for those earning over £100,000 raises valuable monies."
Unless I have missed something, the claims made by Mr Anderson are somewhat different to those made by the Chancellor. Or is it just that Mr Anderson lives in a parallel universe where things are a bit different?
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Latest National Express news: 77 is the new 67
It's a bit like buying a ticket from National Express. Try to book the £10 single fayre but all you find available are the fares that cost considerably more. All you have to do is add to the original amount!
Anyway, as you can now see, I am on the train to London. I am armed with a bag of food for colleagues. All home made, though the cake I have was not made in my home. It came from one of the 4 fayres I went to on Saturday in Blaydon constituency (Whickham, Swalwell, Ryton and Winlaton Mill).
The apple slices I have were made by me late on Saturday night. I have long threatened my Cowley St food guinea pigs with products made from acorn flour. These slices also contain apples we picked wild. They will be tested later today. More details will be on my self-sufficiency blog shortly.
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Friday, December 05, 2008
Photos from the Vince Cable dinner
Vince Cable MP interviewed in Newcastle December 2008
Vince Cable was in Newcastle last night so I interviewed him about tax and the economy for my constituents' video newsletter.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
At the Vince Cable dinner
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Heading home for an evening with Vince Cable
Doors of train have just closed. I'm now on the way home.
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Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Jack Straw may regret his comment on the Lib Dems
The issue at stake was the Council's 31% stake in Kingston Communications PLC. The Lib Dem administration decided that it was time to cash in the shares and bank the money instead. Apparently, such a move was regarded by the new Lib Dem council leadership as safer than playing the stockmarket with council taxpayers' cash.
Hull Labour MP Diana Johnson, however, seemed to think the sale was a bit of a bad idea. Nevertheless, the sell off by the Lib Dems netted the authority a cool £100 million.
The shares in the company were trading at around 80p when the sale went through last year. Now they are less than 10p.
Under Labour, the investment would now be worth about £12-13 million. I bet the residents of Hull are sighing with relief that the Council decided to follow the "utterly irresponsible" policy of protecting their investment. Apparently, the money from the sale last year could now buy the company twice over!
Interestingly, when the fuss first blew up, Blaydon MP Dave Anderson came rushing in with an EDM attacking the sale of the shares. Were he to lose his seat and need to get a new job, can I suggest that becoming a financial adviser may be an occupation he would wish to avoid!?
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Just when Shadow Cabinets thought it was safe to go out...
Now senior Tories are aghast at rumours that David Cameron was rubbishing them during a private dinner recently. He is said to have told a pal: “I’ve got six or seven people in the Shadow Cabinet capable of working in the government. The rest are useless.”
You can enjoy the fun at The Spectator
Monday, December 01, 2008
Well, I'm not on Panorama
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It's cold outside...
I am now on the train to London. It will be a short week in the capital. Vince Cable is coming up for a dinner in Newcastle on Thursday and I'll be back for that. Apparently all 180 tickets for it sold out in record time. Watch out for the exclusive photos on Friday!
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The Monday morning blog: Green light for repressive tactics
Labour is a party in a democracy. Too often they exhibit a one party state mentality in which other parties and alternative points of view are regarded at best as an extreme irritation, and at worst a form of insubordination and insurresction which the system needs to destroy. I have seen this for years in the North East where Labour believe their birthright is to rule unhindered. Now, with a Prime Minister whose only guiding motive is staying in power, we are enduring the same style of government across the whole of our nation.
Labour's guiding principle of staying in power at any cost leaves the people of the country to pick up the bill. And it ain't cheap.
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