Saturday, April 24, 2010

Baked in the sun

Such a lovely day today. All the better to be out in the sun, enjoying the fresh air, getting in a bit of exercise and, yes you guessed it, delivering leaflets. I did a couple of patches in my own ward this afternoon. My face now feels it caught the sun.

Anyway I returned home to write yet another leaflet and whilst tapping away at my pc, I heard the clunk of the letterbox. Anything coming through the door is checked with anticipation whilst elections are on in my house. What arrived was a Tory leaflet though it was nationally produced. It had no local content and the central pages was a dog's dinner of press cuttings. There were too many to give a clear message. Anyway, I'll let the Tories sort out their own presentational style. The point was that I then had to go out to get some spare leaflets from my car and at that point I spotted the Tory leafletter on the other side of the street.

I'm sure the Tory candidate will forgive me if I am wrong but I am sure it was the Tory candidate himself. Had I not been working on a leaflet myself, I probably would have invited him in for a cup of tea (I'd probably do the same with Labour's Dave Anderson.) Such a kind gesture does of course come with the advantage of tying up the candidate needlessly instead of being out on the doorsteps.

Had the aforementioned Tory candidate taken up the offer of a friendly cup of tea, I could have used the opportunity to point out that his leaflet was printed in Surrey. "So what?" I hear you say. The point is he recently attacked us for having leaflets printed in London - most of our leaflets are actually printed at our office here in the constituency! Apparently, printing in London is something that requires wrists to be slapped. Printing in leafy Surrey it seems for the Conservatives, is a must-do.

Talking of opposition leaflets, we found Labour had had their local election leaflet commercially delivered in Chopwell. This is hardly a terrible crime except that the town used to be where Labour was once well organised. As far as I am aware, Labour have held Chopwell at the local government level for close on 100 years. It seems the leafletter shortage for Labour has resulted in their election leaflet being delivered with one for double glazing.

Oh how the mighty have fallen!

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