Friday, March 28, 2008

Fascinating things to do on a train

I am currently on the train heading home though it was very nearly a minor miracle that I caught the train. My tube got stuck for ages at Oxford Circus, then at Warren St, and then between Euston and KX. But fortunately I caught the train with a minute or two to spare. I am currently watching one of those David Attenborough programmes about life in very odd places - this one is about life in caves. It is playing on the laptop of the person sitting in front of me. I can see the screen over her shoulder. Very interesting!

It reminds me that I have booked my next foreign venture for the purpose of shooting video and taking photos later this year. Heading off to Thailand and Jordan. Watch out for some new additions to my YouTube channel in the months to come!

To offset the carbon, I have 12 sycamore seedlings sprouting in pots in the garden in London which have so far survived the squirrels. I have some acorns etc at the house in Sunniside ready to plant as well.

That Attenborough programme has now finished and the laptop owner is now using it to play chess. I think it is time to catch up on some lost sleep from Wednesday. Update on Richard: he is taking painkillers and won't let me put the photo I took of him at the hospital with his black eye on the blog!

Sent via BlackBerry

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