Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Lib Dem version of Britain's Got Talent Show

Lib Dem conference rally Sept 15 (1)

Crowds were building this evening in eager anticipation of the conference rally. This beat-the-drum-for-Liberal-Democracy event is something of a conference tradition. Once the doors were finally opened, the members poured in with eager anticipation. I'm not sure if they were expecting to be serenaded by the London International Gospel Choir but it turned out to be something akin to a Lib Dem version of Britain's Got Talent!

Lib Dem conference rally Sept 15 (11)

Meanwhile, Tim Farron was able to use his speech to list all the great chart toppers from the 1980s, including the Clash and the Smiths. Strangely, Kylie Minogue was absent from his list. And then there were those great comedy series from the 1980s, especially the Young Ones and the Labour Party. For those of you born after the 1980s, I refer you to the Gold Channel on Sky 110. The Young Ones feature heavily in the repeat of the repeats (along with Blackadder and Fawlty Towers).

The 1980s references came about because of Newly Old Labour have just stepped into a time warp and headed back to relive the miners' strike, padded shoulders and the not so glories of the Thatcher years.

Lib Dem conference rally Sept 15 (16)

I think the judges decided Tim is through to the next round.

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