Saturday, August 26, 2017

Laura "No-Mates" Pidcock MP

Laura Pidcock article Aug 17

New Labour MP for Durham North West, Laura Pidcock, is on course to be the Parliamentary Joke of the Year with her recent attack on the suggestion that class warriors such as herself should be mixing socially with "the enemy" (AKA Conservative MPs). "The idea that they're not the enemy is simply delusional," she said in an interview. "Whatever type they are, I have absolutely no intention of being friends with any of them." Whether or not anyone actually wants to be her friend is a great unknown.

The Newcastle Journal featured the unfriendly Pidcock today and interviewed Guy Opperman, Conservative MP for Hexham, who recommended the benefits of co-operation across parties. It does strike me as something of a dereliction of duty not to cooperate with politicians from other parties in the interests of constituents. It also strikes me as absurd that in social circumstances, Pidcock would require someone to produce their membership card of the "working class" or that statements have to be made to the effect that someone is not and never has been a member of the Conservative Party before she lets anyone in her exulted presence. But that's her loss and her posturing simply makes her look petty and absurd.

For the record, I have lots of friends in other parties, and no parties, including one who is a Labour councillor who I am helping through a period of illness. I politely suggest to Laura Pidcock that in this day and age, treating people as friends rather than enemies is far more productive.

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