Friday, November 03, 2017

From Cuddly Corbyn to Shifty Socialist

To the Corbyn fan club, the Labour leader can do no wrong. Cuddly Corbyn can walk on water, and turn it into wine as well. His halo lights up the world, as does the other end of his body, each time he bends over. The super soft Jeremy however gave way to the Shifty Socialist this morning when he was pursued by journalists asking questions about the appointment of Kelvin Hopkins MP to a rather fleeting role on Labour's front bench after action had been taken against him following allegations of impropriety. He could easily have dealt with the questions by repeating the statement already made by the Labour party about Hopkins. He chose not to.

Instead, he behaved like a cornered puff adder spitting venom at a pursuing mongoose. Refusing to answer journalists' questions but happily responding to a Corbynista shouting praise, his behaviour made him look as if he had something to hide, shifty and unable to explain himself.

The real Corbyn was shining through.

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