Thursday, January 28, 2021

On the campaign trail

So, Boris Johnson was in Scotland today for a fleeting visit. No meetings with the Scottish government or council leaders. Just high profile visits to factories and vaccine distribution centres. With the media in hot pursuit, denials were made that this was a campaign visit despite appearances. Well, I keep an open mind on the real reasons for the trip. It's a good job for the PM however that he doesn't apply the same ban to prime ministerial visits that he has applied to political literate which is now banned if delivered by volunteers.

I remain open minded about what the government has done to ban opposition leaflets while keeping Johnson on our TV screens. But I can't help feeling that the government has set out to silence opposition. 

1 comment:

nigel hunter said...

I will not be keeping an open mind. Yes it is for PR campaigning with the lap dog press following like poodles.
Yes good PR for him using the virus for publicity. Look at me I am doing my best to defeat the virus.
Yes to look good for Scottish voters who are increasingly fed up with Westminster control. Johnson would not like to go down in History as the chap who broke up the UK.
Yes stop/control the opposition from campaigning whilst getting people like Odey, hedge funder s (look up Game store/shop activity on Reddit) /giving them money to maintain the status quopower for them..