Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Mountains of waste

Edinburgh is rapidly disappearing under a blanket of waste. The strike by bin lorry staff in the city means the waste bins throughout the city are not being emptied. Roads and paths are not being cleared of rubbish. Waste food is rotting. This situation highlights just how wasteful we are as a society. It has taken only a few days for Edinburgh to begin to disappear under an avalanche of waste. Most of what is dumped in streets is single use food and drinks packaging. Surely we must all now realise that we cannot go on in this consumerist consumptionist manner. We are trashing the planet.

1 comment:

James Harding said...

When I first saw pictures of black litter bins overflowing in Edinburgh, the first thing I thought off was, why are there so many items in a general waste bin that can be recycled.
My second thought was, why are we still using single use bottles in the first place.