And here are a few photos. When I sorted through them, some looked like the three were entering a singing competition!
The three candidates on stage waiting for the music to start.
Neil Bradbury, Liberal Democrat
David Anderson, Labour
Glenn Hall, Conservative
Glenn Hall said to me at the end that he remembered being canvassed by me 23 years ago, when I was first elected to the Council. I must have made an impression! Whether it was favourable or not is up to Glenn to say!
Mmmm, no BNP candidate I see.
Did he not turn up or was he not invited?
The racist and Holocaust denier, Keith McFarlane, isn't fit for public consumption.
Is this half-wit really the best the bnp can come up with in Blaydon, Kevin?
Again, very touchy, Paul!
Are things not going well for your policeand council-funded anti-BNP campaign then?
No they came up with me too for Jarrow Sandy. I take it I am a Racist,Holocaust denier also.Or not. Oooh it really goads you that certain people don't fit your stereotyping of party members,doesn't it?
Have a nice election.
Oh I forgot you don't stand do you?
Too scared to stick your head up too high Sandy.
You should be. It's Nazi's like you who are ruining this country your time will come.
Hi Keith
Keen on Marmite?
I love it. Yum yum.
Actually Paul, the BNP website is much more interesting and informative now than your (council & police funded) TWAFA website has ever been!! lol
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