On Wednesday last week I was nearly late for my afternoon meetings at Gateshead Civic Centre as another of our hives had swarmed. Thankfully, after collecting the swarm, I was able to get to the first meeting at 2pm which was about grants for voluntary organisations, though I had to take my lunch with me.
The second meeting was at 3pm and was a presentation about the Great Exhibition of the North. It is due to kick off on 22nd June. My concern is that the 3 month event should leave a lasting positive legacy for the North East economy so I asked questions about how local hotels and visitor centres were preparing for the visitors that are expected, and what was being done to encourage people to return to the North East in the future. It seems good work is being done on this. And the region will be buzzing when the Exhibition is on. Talking of which, David rehoused the swarm while I was at my meetings!

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